Use of new and advanced materials in pressure vessels
During the past years, the industry of manufacturing and producing pressure vessels has witnessed significant developments. Due to the importance of this industry for various industries, new and advanced materials have been developed in the formation of pressure vessels. In this article, we will examine some of these materials and methods.
Duplex Stainless Steel
Two-phase stainless steel is one of the most resistant materials, which is one of the main materials in the formation of pressure vessels. This type of steel has characteristics such as resistance to corrosion and wear, high resistance to crystal fracture and increased resistance to bursting. For this reason, this material is suitable for the construction of high pressure vessels and corrosive environments.
Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymers
Polymers reinforced with glass fibers are also one of the new and advanced materials used in the formation of pressure vessels. These materials have light weight, high fracture resistance, corrosion resistance, no need for welding plates, and easy portability. For this reason, the use of glass fiber reinforced polymers in the construction of pressure vessels with low to medium pressure is an alternative and cost-effective method for the construction of old tanks.
Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers
Polymers reinforced with carbon fibers are another new and advanced material used in the formation of pressure vessels. These materials have high resistance to bending and stretching, light weight, high resistance to corrosion and ultraviolet rays, and high strength in terms of fracture resistance, carbon fiber reinforced polymers are better than glass fiber reinforced polymers. These materials also have the ability to adjust the length and dimensions and are used in the aerospace, automotive and oil and gas industries.
Lightweight Composites
Lightweight composites are another new and advanced material used in the formation of pressure vessels. These materials have light weight, high resistance to breakage, no need for welding plates, and increased portability and installation. On the other hand, these materials are suitable for making pressure vessels with low pressure.
Metal Matrix Composites
Metal composites are also one of the materials used to form pressure vessels. These materials have high resistance to breakage, suitable thermal and electrical properties, high resistance to corrosion, and increased portability and installation. For this reason, it is suitable to use metal composites in the construction of high pressure tanks.
New Welding Techniques
Welding is also one of the important factors in the construction of pressure vessels. New welding methods, such as laser and ultrasonic welding, are used as alternative methods in the production of pressure vessels due to increased accuracy and reduced damage to materials.
As a result, the use of new and advanced materials for the construction of pressure tanks is known as a cost-effective and effective method in improving the quality and performance of these types of tanks. Although the costs of these materials are higher than traditional materials, but due to their superior characteristics, they bear these costs in the long term along with savings in various fields, including consumption and maintenance. Therefore, considering all different aspects, the use of new and advanced materials is considered as an effective method in the construction of pressure vessels.

Items used in pressure vessels
Considering that the pressure vessel production industry is progressing and also considering the importance of this industry for various industries, the development of new and advanced materials for the production of pressure vessels is very important. By using these materials, it is possible to improve the quality and performance of pressure vessels and prevent the risks of accidents caused by the lack of quality in the construction of pressure vessels.